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Excuse (there are new galleries comming...) November 29, 2005
It's been a year, since the last themed gallery has been submitted here. That doesn't mean I dropped photography, in the contrary, I take much more photos that any single person can handle. This is the main reason that I have no time to update my galleries. Now most of my free time is spent in the Cracow photo studios (three of them), but finally the time has come, hundreds of new photos are flooding my folders and almost shouting at me "show us to the public!", so there is absolute necessity to do so. I'm preparing some new galleries, among them The Wawel Cathedral special, featuring photos from the inside, mountain views, and possibly pictures from London and Cracow. Stay tuned and don't rush me, there is a tiny amount of free time to take care of this photo gallery. Please remember, that all this is the opus of single person that has only two hands and one head at his disposal... :)

Hand There is a photo of my hand prepared for all of you that do not believe it's working very hard to prepare all photos for your pleasure of viewing them here :)

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