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Cracow, major events of 2004

photos: May - June 2004

Major cultural events in Cracow are often followed by a fireworks show. Most of the shows are awesome, choreographed to music and acting. Photos presented here cover the Dragons Parade and the Recycling Festiwal shows, as well as European Hot Air Balloons Cup held on Blonia area and Wianki 2004. comments (7) slide-show (28)

1st of May

Dragons Parade 1 *(2)

Dragons Parade 2

Dragons Parade 3 *(1)

Dragons Parade 4

Dragons Parade 5

Dragons Parade 6

Dragons Parade 7

2nd Recycling Festival 1

2nd Recycling Festival 2

2nd Recycling Festival 3 *(1)

2nd Recycling Festival 4

2nd Recycling Festival 5

2nd Recycling Festival 6

Recycling Festival, Sukiennice

Carousel *(1)

Balloons 1

Balloons 2 *(1)

Balloons 3

Balloons 4


Wianki 2004 - 1

Wianki 2004 - 2

Wianki 2004 - 3

Wianki 2004 - 4

Wianki 2004 - 5

Wianki 2004 - 6

Wianki 2004 - 7 *(1)

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